Why Jewellery?
Dear Readers,
Have you ever sat back and wondered why people wear jewellery? What is so fascinating about a piece of metal and some rocks? Why do people spend so much time and effort to go out of their way to purchase something that is worth 3 months salary?
It is an interesting topic. Being a jeweller, I will be the first one to tell you that jewellery is by no means a necessity of life. No one ever needs jewellery. Jewellery has always been and will always be a want of mankind. People buy jewellery for one reason and one reason alone - It tells a story.
Back in the old days when society and hierarchy was a new invention of mankind, jewellery was worn only by the person(s) at the top of the social pyramid. Back then, jewellery was not (and in certain cases it still is not) limited to gold and gemstones, it was mostly pieces of fibre that was woven into threads, some odd rocks or even teeth. Why would you wear such a thing? Simple, it meant something. Power, Authority and Status.
Slowly as time progressed and societies evolved, more and more people got into the allure of jewellery as a means of telling their own story of power, authority and status. It was not just the monarchs, the emperors and deities wearing jewellery. Capitalism won and it was all about who can afford to buy.
Coming to the modern era. Capitalism was breeding a new baby - Marketing. It was DeBeers with its ‘Diamond is Forever’ marketing campaign that changed the face of the jewellery industry from the day it started in 1947. From that day, it was globally accepted that jewellery also meant one other thing. Love. 1947 was the year when everyone wanted to purchase jewellery, because it was not just a want anymore, people started to think of jewellery as a necessity. A major shift happened. Up to that point, most jewellery was worn by men and after 1947 most jewellery is now made for and worn by women.
Today, I personally believe jewellery is something else all together. Sure, jewellery still means power, authority, status and love in some contexts. But most jewellery bought today has become an item of self expression. An expression of being comfortable with yourself, an expression of your style and an expression of your personality. And that is where we come into play. We want to encourage people to tell their own stories, to give meaning to things that are bigger than themselves and cherish moments that are forever locked into an item which can be passed down to the next generation.
So, if someone asks me ‘Why Jewellery?’ my answer will always be that, ‘it tells a story’.
P.S. I also think that it is kinda cute that humans are the only animals to decorate others we love and care about. That is pretty wholesome.